
Prepare the Smoked Maple Mayonnaise

  • de Vraie mayonnaise Hellmann’s® 4.0 cup
  • Sirop d'érable 1.0 cup
  • Vinaigre de cidre de pomme 0.25 cup
  • Fumée liquide 1.0 T.
  • Sel, cacher

Prepare the Pickled Red Onions

  • Vinaigre de cidre de pomme 2.0 cup
  • Fumée liquide
  • Oignon rouge, en julienne 0.25 cup
  • Sel, cacher 2.0 T.
  • sucre (facultatif) 2.0 T.

Prepare the Burger

  • Chicken, ground, patty 10.0 unité
  • Smoked Maple Mayonnaise, prepared 0.5 cup
  • Oignons rouges marinés, préparées 1.25 cup
  • cheddar moyen, fraîchement râpé, non emballé 10.0 tranches
  • Bacon cuit 20.0 tranches
  • Gaufres grillées 20.0 unité
  1. Prepare the Smoked Maple Mayonnaise

    • Combine all ingredients and mix well. Chill until use.
  2. Prepare the Pickled Red Onions

    • Bring all ingredients except the onions to a boil.
    • Remove from heat and add onions.
    • Allow onions to cool at room temperature, strain and chill.
  3. Prepare the Burger

    • Season and cook patty until internal temperature reaches 165° F.
    • Spread Smoked Maple Mayonnaise on toasted waffles.
    • Build the burger with remaining ingredients.