
Did you know?

High sustainability companies significantly outperform their counterparts over the long-term, both in terms of stock market as well as accounting performance.


of global consumers – especially younger generations—say that ethics/ environmentally friendly and social responsibility are key drivers to choose a product or service.¹



of consumers agree reducing or recycling food waste is important. 51% of consumers say it’s more important than before the COVID pandemic.²

Through the reach and the power of the foodservice industry, Unilever Sustainable Living Plan can help tackle the following areas in your commissary:

  • Reducing Plastics
  • Sustainable Sourcing
  • Reducing Food Waste
  • Increasing Food Safety
Only Unilever defines a target on foods delivering ‘positive nutrition’ for all products globally

Access to Nutrition Index (ATNI) awarded Unilever a top spot, providing recognition for leadership in the Lifestyle and Health & Wellness of their employees, Marketing, Product Labeling and Health & Nutrition Claims, and with above average rank in every category.

We are recognized for reducing sugar, salt, and calories in our products, REMOVING 170 BILLION SUGAR CUBES FROM ICE-TEA DRINKS since 2010 and 37 MILLION TONS OF SALT from our food products
– enough to fill almost 15,000 Olympic swimming pools.

Download our Nutrition Journey Overview

Download our Nutrition Journey Overview

As one of the largest food manufacturers in the world, we have a responsibility to help shape a global food system that is fair for everyone. Which is why we have launched our ‘Future Foods’ initiative – it’s our plan to help people transition towards healthier diets and reduce the environmental impact of the food chain.

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Chef Inspiration