
Ingredients per serving


Prepare Crispy Cauliflower

  • Sparkling water 310.0 ml
  • Oil, for (deep)frying
  • Flour, rice 300.0 g
  • Baking powder 15.0 g
  • Sugar 8.0 g
  • Salt 20.0 g
  • Sumac 15.0 g
  • Cauliflower florets 1.0 kg

Prepare Pickled Red Onion

  • Water 125.0 ml
  • White vinegar 125.0 ml
  • Sugar 12.0 g
  • Red onion, sliced 150.0 g

Prepare Green Goddess Tahini Sauce

Assemble the Dish

  • Pomegranate seeds 130.0 g
  • Sunflower seeds 35.0 g
  • Feta cheese, crumbled 150.0 g

Lightly battered cauliflower pieces topped with sunflower seeds, feta cheese, pickled red onion, and an herbed green goddess tahini sauce.



  1. Prepare Crispy Cauliflower

    • Combine rice flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, and sumac in a bowl.
    • Add sparkling water to flour mixture.
    • Dredge cauliflower florets in batter and deep fry, until golden brown.
    • Season with salt.
  2. Prepare Pickled Red Onion

    • Combine water, vinegar, and sugar in a sauce pot. Bring to a simmer and pour over red onions in a seperate bowl.
    • Let red onions sit, in pickling liquid, for at least one hour.
  3. Prepare Green Goddess Tahini Sauce

    • Blanch parsley and cilantro in a small pot of simmering water. Cool in an ice bath.
    • Remove herbs from liquid add them, and tahini, mayonnaise, garlic, and vinegar to a food processor until pureed. Add water to reach desired consistency.
    • Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Assemble the Dish

    • Divide crispy cauliflower into 10 portions and top with green goddess tahini sauce, feta cheese, sunflower seeds, and pomegranate seeds.
Chef Inspiration