
Ingredients per serving


Prepare the Potatos

  • Potatoes-yukon gold 1.4 kg
  • Kosher salt 10.0 g
  • Pepper to taste

Prepare the Corn

  • Black pepper, freshly ground 2.5 g
  • Corn, fresh, cut from cob 4.0 pc
  • Extra virgin olive oil 30.0 ml
  • Salt, kosher 7.0 g
  • Red onion, small dice 60.0 g
  • Celery, chopped 56.0 g
  • Green onions, sliced thin 50.0 g
  • Cilantro, chopped 4.0 g

Prepare the Avocado Crema

A play on elotes – keep this dish plant based allows for everyone to enjoy the dish. Grilling the corn ahead of time allows for the sugars to caramelize and to help maintain the beautiful crunch of the corn.



  1. Prepare the Potatos

    • Sprinkle potatoes with salt and pepper.
    • Bake potatoes at 425F for 20-25 min, until fork tender. Set aside at room temperature to cool off & refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hrs.
  2. Prepare the Corn

    • Mix all ingredients in a clean bowl. Place corn on a sheet pan and bake at 425F for 10 min. Set aside atroom temperature to cool off & refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hrs.
  3. Prepare Rest of Salad

    • Using a large bowl; combine all these ingredients, along with the cooked potatoes and mix well. 
    • Dish the Potato Salad on a large platter and top salad with the cooked corn.
  4. Prepare the Avocado Crema

    • Combine all ingredients using a blender and puree for 1-2 minutes or until smooth.
    • Place Crema on a squeeze bottle and refrigerate/set aside.
    • Garnish Salad w/ Crema and Mexican TAJIN—Enjoy!
Chef Inspiration